The best thing about memories...

Motivational Monday Message:
Get outside and live your life - there is no rewind!
#motivation #norewind #justkeepdiving #diving #scubadiving #passionforlife #eagleray #underwaterartphotography #lifelessons #outside #nature #islandlife

Motivational Monday Message:
Get outside and live your life - there is no rewind!
#motivation #norewind #justkeepdiving #diving #scubadiving #passionforlife #eagleray #underwaterartphotography #lifelessons #outside #nature #islandlife
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!
Grab your special dive or snorkel buddy and plan a trip to come see what we love - our beautiful BVI!
Couples that dive together are happier. That’s a fact!
#divebvi #scuba #scubalove #happycouple #firstdive #valentinesday #behappy #divetravel #scubatogether #bvi #virgingorda #scrubisland #britishvirginislands #beach #saltlife #love

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!
Grab your special dive or snorkel buddy and plan a trip to come see what we love - our beautiful BVI!
Couples that dive together are happier. That’s a fact!
#divebvi #scuba #scubalove #happycouple #firstdive #valentinesday #behappy #divetravel #scubatogether #bvi #virgingorda #scrubisland #britishvirginislands #beach #saltlife #love
Let Nature calm your mind.
Wise words indeed.
Come experience the beauty of the BVI with us and you just mind find yourself.
#divebvi #BVI #britishvirginislands #beachday #boattrips #scubadiving #snorkeling #divetravel #VirginGorda #islandlife #peaceful #nature #calm #underwater #ocean

Let Nature calm your mind.
Wise words indeed.
Come experience the beauty of the BVI with us and you just mind find yourself.
#divebvi #BVI #britishvirginislands #beachday #boattrips #scubadiving #snorkeling #divetravel #VirginGorda #islandlife #peaceful #nature #calm #underwater #ocean
We had a nice day at the RMS Rhone yesterday. Lots of lobsters, fish and even got a flyby from a large Kingfish! You never know what you’ll see there!
#rmsrhone #divebvi #bviwreckdiving #wreckdiving #boatdive #bviscuba #scuba #scubadiving #diveintohistory #britishvirginislands #caribbean #divepro #shipwreck #lobster #marinelife #underwaterphotography #gopro #instatravel #adventuretravel
🎥 @jeffmcnutt

We had a nice day at the RMS Rhone yesterday. Lots of lobsters, fish and even got a flyby from a large Kingfish! You never know what you’ll see there!
#rmsrhone #divebvi #bviwreckdiving #wreckdiving #boatdive #bviscuba #scuba #scubadiving #diveintohistory #britishvirginislands #caribbean #divepro #shipwreck #lobster #marinelife #underwaterphotography #gopro #instatravel #adventuretravel
🎥 @jeffmcnutt
We spent the day chasing rainbows and look at what we found at the end! Come play with us and explore our beautiful BVI!
Private charters, day trips, dive and snorkeling tours - we do it all and have been for 50 years!
#divebvi #rainbows #chasingrainbows #bviboattrips #bviprivatecharters #bvitravel #diveshoplife #divetravel #scubadiving #britishvirginislands #islandlife #boatdays

We spent the day chasing rainbows and look at what we found at the end! Come play with us and explore our beautiful BVI!
Private charters, day trips, dive and snorkeling tours - we do it all and have been for 50 years!
#divebvi #rainbows #chasingrainbows #bviboattrips #bviprivatecharters #bvitravel #diveshoplife #divetravel #scubadiving #britishvirginislands #islandlife #boatdays
Captain Tom has us parked just off the beach and the guests are making the rounds at White Bay today. Gertrude’s, Soggy Dollar and Hendos to start and then a little stroll over to Ivan’s to complete the pub crawl! Sunny skies and smiling faces - we love it!
#divebvi #bviboattrips #bviprivatecharters #bvilove #beachlife #islandlife #ocean #beach #soggydollarbar #painkillers #joinintrips #boatday #sundayfunday #boatdrinks #happy #islandtime #comeplaywithus #bviholidays

Captain Tom has us parked just off the beach and the guests are making the rounds at White Bay today. Gertrude’s, Soggy Dollar and Hendos to start and then a little stroll over to Ivan’s to complete the pub crawl! Sunny skies and smiling faces - we love it!
#divebvi #bviboattrips #bviprivatecharters #bvilove #beachlife #islandlife #ocean #beach #soggydollarbar #painkillers #joinintrips #boatday #sundayfunday #boatdrinks #happy #islandtime #comeplaywithus #bviholidays
Sunny day at White Bay!
Captain Jeff and the Sea Bandit are backed up to the beach and enjoying the show that is always happening at Jost van Dyke.
We offer trips to JVD weekly from our Virgin Gorda and Scrub Island Resort locations. Come join the fun!
#divebvi #bviboattrips #bvidaytrips #britishvirginislands #virgingordadaytrips #jostvandyke #sunnydays #beachlife #beach #zacbrownband #boatdrinks #captain #lifesabeach

Sunny day at White Bay!
Captain Jeff and the Sea Bandit are backed up to the beach and enjoying the show that is always happening at Jost van Dyke.
We offer trips to JVD weekly from our Virgin Gorda and Scrub Island Resort locations. Come join the fun!
#divebvi #bviboattrips #bvidaytrips #britishvirginislands #virgingordadaytrips #jostvandyke #sunnydays #beachlife #beach #zacbrownband #boatdrinks #captain #lifesabeach
Thank you @cooperislandbvi for having my chocolate gelato in the freezer today! Talk about making an awesome morning of snorkeling even better! Boo yah!
Private snorkel trip ☑️
Beautiful beach and bar/coffee shop/boutique and restaurant ☑️
Gelato for lunch ❤️
#divebvi #gelato #cooperislandbeachclub #bvisnorkeltrips #bviprivatecharters #bviboattrips #snorkeling #treasure
🍨 by @jeffmcnutt

Thank you @cooperislandbvi for having my chocolate gelato in the freezer today! Talk about making an awesome morning of snorkeling even better! Boo yah!
Private snorkel trip ☑️
Beautiful beach and bar/coffee shop/boutique and restaurant ☑️
Gelato for lunch ❤️
#divebvi #gelato #cooperislandbeachclub #bvisnorkeltrips #bviprivatecharters #bviboattrips #snorkeling #treasure
🍨 by @jeffmcnutt
Do you hear what we hear?
Yep, that’s a humpback whale making some calls in the background! Keep your eyes and ears open this week! Always a thrill to see these beauties as they move through our area on their way back north.
#divebvi #sharks #humpbackwhale #whalecalls #cetaceans #bviscubadiving #bviboattrips #britishvirginislands #ocean #marinelife #marineecology #swimwithsharks
📽️ by @victorsanchezmartin82

Do you hear what we hear?
Yep, that’s a humpback whale making some calls in the background! Keep your eyes and ears open this week! Always a thrill to see these beauties as they move through our area on their way back north.
#divebvi #sharks #humpbackwhale #whalecalls #cetaceans #bviscubadiving #bviboattrips #britishvirginislands #ocean #marinelife #marineecology #swimwithsharks
📽️ by @victorsanchezmartin82
I got to fly into Virgin Gorda today with @flytradewind and it was awesome! From the cheerful greeting at the desk in San Juan, Puerto Rico to the helpful staff in the private lounge for Tradewind’s guests (with great snacks and drinks), down to the friendly ground staff and pilots - this new way to VG was fantastic! Fast, clean and comfortable and we were landing in no time at all. Did I mention there is a cooler onboard with cold drinks? I’m very happy with this great option to get to our little island paradise. They also codeshare with American Airlines so my bags got checked all the way through!
Give these guys a look if you are wanting to head to Virgin Gorda for some well earned vacation time! They’ll get you here in style and Dive BVI will take care of the rest!
#divebvi #tradewindsaviation #VirginGorda #bviscubadiving #bvidivetrips #islandlife #beaches #boattrips #Caribbean #airport
🎥 by @jeffmcnutt

I got to fly into Virgin Gorda today with @flytradewind and it was awesome! From the cheerful greeting at the desk in San Juan, Puerto Rico to the helpful staff in the private lounge for Tradewind’s guests (with great snacks and drinks), down to the friendly ground staff and pilots - this new way to VG was fantastic! Fast, clean and comfortable and we were landing in no time at all. Did I mention there is a cooler onboard with cold drinks? I’m very happy with this great option to get to our little island paradise. They also codeshare with American Airlines so my bags got checked all the way through!
Give these guys a look if you are wanting to head to Virgin Gorda for some well earned vacation time! They’ll get you here in style and Dive BVI will take care of the rest!
#divebvi #tradewindsaviation #VirginGorda #bviscubadiving #bvidivetrips #islandlife #beaches #boattrips #Caribbean #airport
🎥 by @jeffmcnutt
Well, Punxsutawney Phil says we have 6 more weeks of winter after not seeing his shadow today. No Worries - here in the BVI - it’s almost always nice and warm! Though it did get down to 68F the one time and that was vicious 🥶 (still recovering from that one!).
Happy Groundhog Day everyone! Put your jackets away and get that dive and snorkel gear out and let’s go seek adventure in the warm BVI waters! We’ve got some amazing trips on the schedule and our fun loving team is ready for ya!
#groundhogday #divebvi #bviscubadiving #bviboattrips #rodentdriver #scubagroundhog #billmurray #britishvirginislands #bvisnorkeltrip #springtimetravel #bvitravel #VirginGorda

Well, Punxsutawney Phil says we have 6 more weeks of winter after not seeing his shadow today. No Worries - here in the BVI - it’s almost always nice and warm! Though it did get down to 68F the one time and that was vicious 🥶 (still recovering from that one!).
Happy Groundhog Day everyone! Put your jackets away and get that dive and snorkel gear out and let’s go seek adventure in the warm BVI waters! We’ve got some amazing trips on the schedule and our fun loving team is ready for ya!
#groundhogday #divebvi #bviscubadiving #bviboattrips #rodentdriver #scubagroundhog #billmurray #britishvirginislands #bvisnorkeltrip #springtimetravel #bvitravel #VirginGorda
We love what we do!
And we can’t wait to show you our beautiful BVI!
It’s our 50th anniversary this year and we want to celebrate with all of our friends. We are planning on special dive trips, new course opportunities, and more!
What would you like to see or do with us in 2025????
Comment below and let’s make it happen!
#divebvi #bviscubadiving #50thanniversary #letsparty #scubaclasses #bvidivetrips #instatravel #sharks #bviboattrips #grouptravel #adventure #makeithappen

We love what we do!
And we can’t wait to show you our beautiful BVI!
It’s our 50th anniversary this year and we want to celebrate with all of our friends. We are planning on special dive trips, new course opportunities, and more!
What would you like to see or do with us in 2025????
Comment below and let’s make it happen!
#divebvi #bviscubadiving #50thanniversary #letsparty #scubaclasses #bvidivetrips #instatravel #sharks #bviboattrips #grouptravel #adventure #makeithappen
Enjoying the photos? Click the Book Now! button up above and reserve your spot today on one of our many amazing BVI adventures!